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Rating: 1 user(s) have rated this Place Average rating: 1.0
Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012, in category "Caves"
Views: this Place has been read 20161 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: This cave is located 25-30 Km away from satara
Rating: 3 user(s) have rated this Place Average rating: 5.0
Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012, in category "Caves"
Views: this Place has been read 19560 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: This place is located at Eastern side of famous fort Sajjangad
Rating: 0 user(s) have rated this Place (Not rated)
Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012, in category "Caves"
Views: this Place has been read 19577 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: Morghar caves are the biggest and longest caves found in District of Satara
Rating: 3 user(s) have rated this Place Average rating: 5.0
Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012, in category "Caves"
Views: this Place has been read 19931 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: This cave is situated within the protected area of Koyna wildlife Sanctuary
Rating: 0 user(s) have rated this Place (Not rated)
Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012, in category "Caves"
Views: this Place has been read 19696 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: This is a huge cave
Rating: 1 user(s) have rated this Place Average rating: 5.0
Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012, in category "Caves"
Views: this Place has been read 19424 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: people come here for prolonged meditation.
Rating: 0 user(s) have rated this Place (Not rated)
Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012, in category "Caves"
Views: this Place has been read 19398 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: At times some wild animals can be seen wandering nearby the caves.
Rating: 0 user(s) have rated this Place (Not rated)
Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012, in category "Caves"
Views: this Place has been read 18798 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: In order to reach these caves one has to pass through water.
Rating: 0 user(s) have rated this Place (Not rated)
Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012, in category "Caves"
Views: this Place has been read 19479 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: A very peaceful and divine place used for meditation in ancient times.