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Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012 , in category "Flowers"

Views: this Blog has been read 47998 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: Gliricidia is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae. It belongs to the sub family Faboideae.


Gliricidia is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae. It belongs to the sub family Faboideae. It is a small, deciduous, ornamental tree. The tree is leafless when in flower and bears fruits during April and May in India and countries with same climate. The small flowers (barely 2cm long) are pale pink and they are borne in dense clusters on bare twigs. Flowers fade to white or a faint purple with age. The flowers attract a lot of bees and some lycaenid (Blues-Family Lycaenidae) butterflies – particularly the Peablue Lampides boeticus and other native birds. Strengths • Multipurpose tree . • Wide-ranging soil and climatic adaptation. • Ease of establishment from stem cuttings. • High potential DM production. • High CP content and nutritive value for ruminants. Limitations • Familiarisation is required before ruminants will eat readily. • Possible toxicity problems if fed to monogastric animals. • Lack of cool season adaptation and frost tolerance .

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