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Rating: 3 user(s) have rated this Place Average rating: 5.0
Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012, in category "Temples"
Views: this Place has been read 21574 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: It has a beautiful temple surrounded by thick foliage.
Rating: 3 user(s) have rated this Place Average rating: 5.0
Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012, in category "Temples"
Views: this Place has been read 19763 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: This place is Located about 6 km from Satara.
Rating: 7 user(s) have rated this Place Average rating: 5.0
Posted by: Admin, on 1/1/2012, in category "Temples"
Views: this Place has been read 20853 times
Location: Satara, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: Recently found religious tourist destination